Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is a test post #3

it includes some text
and also a block quote, here and also a block quote, hereand also a block quote, hereand also a block quote, hereand also a block quote, hereand also a block quote, here
this is some more text! some of it is bold and linked

Now it also includes a list:
  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 4

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Roasted Pork Loin

Roasted pork loin always looks and tastes very impressive, yet it's ridiculously easy. There are three basic steps: sear, glaze, and roast. If you have an oven-friendly skillet, it's a one-pan dish.

I used to be not much of a pork fan, and I still rarely order it out, but I've been warming up to cooking it. It's easy to make it taste good, it's a cheap meat, and it doesn't have to be unhealthy - it all depends on the preparation. It's also extremely versatile - great with spicy, salty, and sweet flavors.

For roasted pork loin in particular, the glaze is where you can unleash your creativity and make the dish your own. It can be mustard, jam, a simple mix of olive oil, rosemary, and thyme, or a wine reduction sauce with spices and herbs (which is not as hard as it sounds - just deglaze the pan with red wine after searing your pork, add desired aromatics and reduce by half the volume).

In the case of the pork loin in the picture, S and I made it on a fairly busy night, so the glaze was an apricot chili pepper jam that was hanging out in the fridge. I highly recommend any sort of fruit jam - it will caramelize nicely in the oven.

As for the side, I like serving pork loin with oven-roasted hearty vegetables (potatoes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, brussels sprouts, etc: just add whole garlic cloves, toss everything with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and bake in a 400 F oven for ~40 mins). Cheesy polenta or garlicky mashed potatoes would work too if you feel like something creamier.
For beverage pairings, go with an "old world" (i.e. more earthy than fruity) pinot noir. If you are beer fan, go with a farmhouse/saison ale.

So, here's the "recipe" (more of a framework):

pork loin
glaze (apricot chili jam in this case)
olive oil or butter

1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Heat up an oven safe skillet (or any thick pan) on medium-high and add olive oil or butter (I use olive oil, because I like its taste, but butter's more traditional for pork). Sear pork loin on all sides until the skin is browned, peppering as you go.
2. Lay the pork loin fat side down in the skillet (or a baking dish if your skillet is not oven-safe). Apply the glaze liberally to the top and sides, using a basting brush or a silicone spatula.

3. Place in the oven and roast for 30-40 minutes (depending on the size of the cut). Take out of the oven and let rest for ~10 minutes.

4. Slice into medallions and serve.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Test post 2

Mauris commodo hendrerit turpis eu pharetra. Suspendisse lobortis, leo nec suscipit cursus, arcu urna pretium lacus, in molestie est massa sollicitudin nulla. Donec justo augue, porttitor nec lacinia eget, hendrerit at orci. In in orci tempor enim blandit laoreet at quis metus. Integer luctus lobortis augue, vitae mollis nisi aliquet sit amet.

Maecenas non ante eu elit tincidunt porttitor in at neque. Nulla varius, tortor at tincidunt ultricies, mi metus scelerisque mi, vel rutrum sem velit ultricies felis. Nulla turpis orci, vehicula quis gravida quis, semper in neque. Aenean a lectus nisi. Donec mi augue, vestibulum consectetur venenatis id, blandit nec turpis. Curabitur eget dapibus libero.

Maecenas ante dui, rutrum vehicula pellentesque at, sollicitudin condimentum risus. Nulla mauris enim, pretium eu auctor in, malesuada id lorem. Nunc et libero leo. Sed a felis ac lorem suscipit porta. Nunc vestibulum iaculis interdum. Sed laoreet odio nisl, sit amet hendrerit felis. Sed lobortis, augue eu varius mollis, nibh lorem facilisis urna, eu blandit nisi odio nec nunc.

Etiam vitae arcu ut massa auctor accumsan. Donec non est purus.

Test post 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla ipsum, pretium eu fermentum eget, sollicitudin at lacus. Curabitur lobortis tristique lacinia. Pellentesque tempor quam sit amet quam luctus tincidunt.

Vestibulum molestie nisi sit amet erat rutrum ut iaculis ante rhoncus. Suspendisse condimentum, velit sit amet euismod placerat, eros lorem consectetur sem, quis sagittis urna diam vitae turpis. Sed vel orci sed augue cursus bibendum.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc fringilla risus sed odio dignissim et pellentesque augue fermentum. Aenean nec pulvinar nisl. Donec nulla magna, fringilla eu ullamcorper ut, dictum sed lacus. Nam mollis mollis interdum. Donec sem tellus, semper venenatis venenatis non, hendrerit non magna.

Etiam sit amet ligula orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus non mi in odio lacinia ornare. Nulla augue erat, placerat eu scelerisque ut, rhoncus in magna. Donec non nunc ligula, in posuere lectus. Ut ultrices, nisl suscipit aliquam blandit, sem mi pretium mauris, eget consequat sem massa vitae ipsum.